What will become of our landscapes?

Szenario Landscape. Rupert Schelle and Klaus Overmeyer

Given the time it has taken to transform rural areas over the centuries, the transformation of Saxony-Anhalt’s landscape over the last 50 years has proceeded at a gallop. The term landscape no longer describes just the space outside the cities or the farmer’s fields.

Landscapes today are characterised not only by the rural economy, but also by industry, traffic and tourism, with their future configuration being increasingly defined by the terms and conditions of globalisation. Politics and society may influence these, but in order to define mission statements, answers to several questions must be found: What should landscapes look like in the future? What consequences could our actions have? In Saxony-Anhalt, several trends that have a growing influence on the landscape have already become apparent. In order to quantify the consequences of our current actions, we must analyse these trends: identify the forces that affect these processes, think ideas through to their conclusion and chart the scenarios that result from the agendas set.


What should landscapes look like in the future?