Protagonists in Conversation
Showing Transformation to the Region
Interview with Petra Wust
"We are predestined to convey know-how to shrinking cities"
Petra Wust, Lord Mayor of Bitterfeld-Wolfen
A regional Image for a common Identity
Interview mit Martin Stein
"It was important to agree on what kind of city is it?”
Martin Stein, IBA City Representative for Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Gentrification is a Part of urban Development
Interview mit Uwe Reinholz
"Growing together will take at least another five to six years.”
Uwe Reinholz, Managing Director of the Wohnungs- und Baugesellschaft Wolfen mbh
Info: Bitterfeld-Wolfen
(Municipal Area of 2010)
1989: 76.147
2009: 46.355
2025: 35.859 (Future Prospect)
Municipal Area: 87,31 qkm
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