Protagonists in Conversation


Contact between the Generations

Interview with Annegret Hahn and Christian Andrae

"Theatre should provoke new ideas.”
Annegret Hahn, director of Thalia Theatre

"In the skate park, young people finally have a place in the centre."
Christian Andrae, chairman of congrav new sports e.V.


A Network transforms Glaucha

Interview with Gernot Lindemann and Dr. Steffen Fliegner

"You have to make the people curious and get them into the community.” 
Gernot Lindemann, district facilitator (left)

"The approach developed here can also be transferred to other districts."
Dr. Steffen Fliegner project manager for Glaucha in the Department of Urban Development (right)


The Cities thar were once two are growing together

Interview mit Frank Sänger

"Everything is not possible, and not everything at once.” 
Frank Sänger, City Councillor, Chairman of the Planning Committee


Info: Halle (Saale)

(Municipal Area of 2010)
1989: 321.684
2009: 231.978
2025: 206.120 (Future Prospect)

Municipal Area: 135,02 qkm
