Protagonists in Conversation


Foundations laid for location Development

Interview with Dr. Michael Heinemann

"The Food Industry Network was, is and will remain a partner of the IBA and of urban redevelopment.” 

Dr. Michael Heinemann managing partner of Weißenfelser Handelsgesellschaft mbH and spokesperson for South Saxony-Anhalt Food Industry Network


Connecting new Landscapes with the Saale

Interview with Prof. Dr. Iris Reuther

"Public dialogue is always a challenge because you have to prove that something results from the plans.”

Iris Reuther, Architect for urban Planning, Office for urban Projects


Turning the Tide of Emigration

Interview with Robby Risch

"Property owners are now discovering that the green zone is turning their land into popular places to live.”

Robby Risch, Mayor of Weißenfels



Info: Weißenfels

(Municipal Area of 2010)
1989: 43.639
2009: 33.315
2025: 26.140 (Future Prospect)

Municipal Area: 51,6 qkm

IBA-Website of Weißenfels